Our ambitious, but mighty plan

Play for Sustainable Environment is a transcontinental project that aims at equipping sports coaches, youth workers, and NGO staff members to use sport-based education to tackle the sustainability challenges we are facing nowadays.

The project will consist of 3 main mobilities and 2 meetings, aside from the local dissemination events, which will increase the awareness of the youth in the different participating countries with regard to the topic.

The project

was already launched in early February 2022 with the kick off meeting which was held in Budapest. Beside reinforcing the partnership and discussing practical responsibilities the meeting aimed to gather stakeholders representing various fields and sectors from youth work to sport who can potentially multiply the outreach of the project and contribute to the development of its outputs. On the second day of the meeting, we had the pleasure to welcome a special guest, András Volom, the first young delegate of Hungary to the UN and founder of V4SDG, who shared his experience related to SDGs and the sustainable environment.

The second big part

of the project is a training course that will gather 30 youth leaders, youth workers, NGO staff and sport educators/training from four continents (Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin-America). The main objective of the training course is to equip participants with necessary skills, competences and knowledge to develop and deliver sport-based environmental educational/awareness raising activities and to exchange good practices. Participants will be involved and empowered to bring out the potential of the youngsters they work with and learn how to use sport and physical activity as tools for environmental education. The 6-day-long event will take place in Lima and it will involve the organisation of awareness raising activity involving the local population.

Following the Training Course
and as part of the dissemination phase, a job shadowing activity will be implemented in Kenya in order to get acquainted with and provide support for the local awareness raising activities of the Resource Hub for Development (RHD Kenya). From each project partner 2 youth leaders/NGO staff/trainers will take part in this two-weeks long mobility (total of 10 staff members from outside Kenya). The organisation of the job shadowing activity will be supported by Nairobi- based educational institutions and local public authorities working in close affiliation with RHD Kenya. Besides getting acquainted with the local interventions led by RHD Kenya, participants will visit institutions working with disadvantaged youngsters and applying sport-based education. In order to raise the visibility of the “Play 4 Sustainable Environment” ETS games will be implemented in local communities and participants will also take part in a reforestation and trash collecting initiatives. The job shadowing activity will allow staff of partner organisations to gather information and identify good practices that can potentially be replicated and implemented in Europe, Latin-America and Asia. Testing the educational methodology developed at the training course will be an important aspect of this two-week long mobility.
The last youth mobility
taking place in our project will be a youth exchange that will gather 36 young people from four continents. The six days long event will be organized in Manila (Quezon city area), the Philippines by BTG Philippines as Manila provides an ideal setting to realize a large-scale multiplier event, led by the participants themselves. The participants will be engaged in various outdoor activities, workshops, peer-learning sessions that all aim to empower them and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding on the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.
Last but not least,
the closing Seminar and meeting will be attended by 3 members of partner organizations (18 participants) and there will be 2 invited experts. The Seminar will involve at least 70 participants in order to ensure high-visibility for the Play 4 Sustainable Environment project. The consortium aims to involve relevant stakeholders and policy-makers from the field of youth, education, environmental protection and sport. The seminar also aims to involve presenters from the European Union‟s institutions, especially the European Commission and other public institutions: the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak government and the municipality of Bratislava.

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